Welcome welcome like-minded freaks.

This my first shot at making a game. 🥺💥

This is 18+ fetish content please be aware

Currently Includes:

  • Breast Expansion
  • Ass Expansion
  • Weight Gain
  • FMG

Check the Devlog for info on future updates

I took big inspiration from Big Aspirations by Anvilandthechipmunks. Go play if you haven't yet (it's peak)


I'm not able to work on the game today so I can only give you guys a bugfix 😭🙏

  • Fixed Teller bug (again 🙄)
  • You can now compete against Katherine based on preference. Outcome is determined by MC body. (tip: choosing "all" won't unlock the hyper scenes)

Please lemme know about any bugs 🫶


Big Things Industries.zip 222 kB

Development log


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I hope this game continues such a good concept

Он улетел... Но обещал вернуться...

I guess this is the end for this project.


А затем, Тайлер исчез...

Так и закончился Бойцовский клуб

is the developer ok? She hasn’t posted anything in the past 100 days

What do you mean 100 days? 

I mean that nothing has been posted/updated from the creator in over 100 days

(1 edit) (+1)

I get that, i sent a photo but it didnt go through. Last post is from like 37 days, and one before 84


Обновлений не будет. Разработчик принял ислам.


what are you saying?


Use Google translate you maggot

(1 edit) (+1)

if she/he converted to islam why she/he didn't delete the game


Аллах так сказал

(1 edit) (-3)

are you sure that dev become Muslim if the dev become muslim he/she need to delete the game 


Несмышлёные америкацы не выкупают тонкого русского юмора.

Out of curiosity, do you have plans for any other fetishes


Hey mate, I'm here to say a few things

First of all: great work, you're doing an amazing job

Second: I know it's important to have a schedule and be constant with updates, but if you have something important in your life and you have to take care of it, give priority to that

You might like working at this project but in the end it's just a game, we gonna wait patiently until new things come out, don't panic just because you're not posting for a while

Good luck with everything

Interesting game, but if you pick the "all at once" option, the game is broken.  There is no proper ending.


He says that there are no extreme endings if you pick that option when you start playing the game.

Great work!

Día 3476 esperando una actualización. Bitácora de espera: a pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que supimos del desarrollados del juego. La última vez que logramos comunicarnos con el comentó que su computadora estaba fallando y casi pierde los datos de la actualización,  pero que logro arreglarlo. Dijo que subiría lo que ya tenia echo y regresaría a las actualizaciones semanales. Sin embargo nada de eso termino pasando y aun seguimos a la espera, impacientes y angustiados, pero a la espera 

You doing alright man, I dont wan this game to be abandoned

What was added in last update and when next


Just played the game, 

Loved it! A ton of content, don't let these random comments take you down, take as much time as you can to deliver!

Also from us muscle lovers, it would be INSANELY good if you added with muscles pecs growth and not breasts, just to show some love for us pecs lovers!



Hello I'm sure your busy and something came up but keep up the great work but I'm going to point this out just so people know for the moment and not saying this community is dumb or don't get what I'm saying I'm just pointing out something so you don't feel rushed so this is also very obvious GAME = DEAD, at the moment see ya at the next update I can't wait to play more of this game (also sorry if I sound like a entitled prick I'm not trying to sound like that I'm just trying to help others and help the creator not feel rushed sorry to all who see this as a mean comment or me saying that there dumb or something you are all very intelligent and I love this game and I'm working in game design so I'm new to the pain of coding and character design and a whole lot more but I'm learning more and more and it's becoming more and more tedious as i progress, thank you for understanding keep up the amazing work I really like this game)

I would say its a great game for until you hit ENDGAME then its a premise of doing it again 


pretty good, i like the idea OwO

Posiblemente sea este lunes y si no  pues a esperar pacientemente, es un juego reciente obviamente las actualizaciones tardan 




so is that update coming or not? Was waiting to play since I saw a new update was coming soon but now I'm not sure if I should wait.


I've been playing this game for a while it is amazing and I can't wait for the next update because this game is a fucking masterpiece this game is great keep up the great work


Update today?

Oceller ¿a ocurrido algo? 

Also i would like to bote just to be a little silly but you r in happy new year in the big devlog is lowercase while everything else is cappital. Hope i made you feel a little goofy...

How do I work? I only got a single request, and now when I look for new clients all I get is the same scene of said client repeating over and over. How the heck do I get more tokens???

Which client do you have the same scene with? with VIP?

Its with the girl from the gym. I first went to the library and the park on day one, met a girl each but no requests. Only option for requests was the girl from the gym, and now I get stuck in only being able to repeat a scene with said girl from the gym when going out to search for more clients. Its an infinite loop and I can't seem to get anymore clients what-so-ever. Can't even go back to the library or gym as those options no longer exist.

Just go and talk to katherine,then you will find new client——if what you met wasn't a new bug


you guys need to chill, they literally said that they need some time and take a break. Jesus have some patience.

🙏 ilysm thank you for being understanding

No worries, glad you got access to your stuff back. Take as much time as you need cuz you’re doing a great job!


Did onceler forgot his own game or did her abandon it?

It seem that update might come out next monday(I guess)

Indeed it will!


Too bad this is probably another dead project with a lot of potential. I was really looking forward to more content :(

What makes you think the game is dead? The fact that they said the update would be released on Monday, but it never came out, doesn't mean that the game was abandoned, it's just that the author probably doesn't have enough time, remember how long it took to update Big Aspiration or a later version of Above of Gods or slime from the 70s. years. I'm not talking about Shiro adventure.

I mean the last reply to any comment was 13 days ago and they said in that comment „Sometime this month, either next monday or the one after that“ which was this weeks monday. At least a little post about it would have been cool. Its a hobby project, they can take all the time they need but than just don’t call out a date or make a post

(1 edit)

The date I set was either last monday or this monday. Sorry if that was confusing but I completely get it since I just went radio silent .-.


The game got boring, and I started completing it in 15-10 minutes.

If you were speedrunning that time would suck

can i help you 



¿Cuanto falta?"

Patience please. we wouldn't want to make them angry...

I'm not gonna get mad at strangers on the internet, making this game is fun for me and now I can update it soon

Sweet. I just didn't want you to get annoyed. Sorry for assuming...


great game!

I like that you can either have all or just one of the other's stories included, but if there was also an option to pick-and-choose which ones specifically would be really cool (for example if someone was really into everything *but* weight gain, or just into butt and breast expansion)

Good images


Deleted post
(1 edit)


i don't think soo

Very fun stuff! 😁

One bug I found was while doing the ALL AT ONCE route, when competing with Katherine with any maxed out stat leads to a dead end conversation. There weren't any prompts to move on from there, and going back in the game history wasn't available. Taught me a valuable lesson on when to save haha

I'd love to see a gallery of unlocked images. It would help so much to know which combinations of growths we have unlocked so far, especially since it can be tedious to go through the Employee Enhancer. If I mathed this right, there are 70 combinations of growth total the mc could be in. Minus the mc's original phase, there's 69 nice growth combinations to explore, 35 of which are achieved after the final fourth growth. What if there was a tool that could redistribute mass more easily? 

What can we expect?

how do you beat Katherine in the compare tits dialogue what enhancers do I select? 

keep getting muscles

Is it comming out tommorow or a different monday?

Sometime this month, either next monday or the one after that

any update 

how can i create a game Please help me

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